Friday, 1 January 2010


Welcome, or welcome back. I've been away.

There's often no better time to spring clean your life than the start of a new time period in your life. I generally don't save changes until 'the Spirit moves me' because my Spirit is a lazy bastard and notoriously unreliable, but I often find that my passing of a milestone inspires me to action. The end of the first decade of the Third Millenium is a milestone that everyone seems to be happy to see pass. I'll probably write more on that later. I might also re-post some of my older stuff, either in it's original format or polished up a little.

This is to confirm that if you navigated here from somewhere else that you're in the right place, and that the blog is still current. It's just lay fallow while I wrote a novel for National Novel Writing Month, and then had a great holiday season. I love living in America. Anyway. Wander about. Make yourself at home. Have a look through the library. Feel free to comment.